Participate in Salem's Economic Development Strategic Planning
Salem, Virginia’s Economic Development Strategic Planning, will block two hours to conduct a general overview of economic development followed by a brainstorming session to identify economic development priorities for the City of Salem. Once a list of priorities is collected, attendees will then vote on the priorities they feel are most important. We would like to have a minimum of 10 individuals participate but there is no max on attendees and the more the merrier. Based on the number of participants we would break out into different work groups to collect ideas. Topics covered will be as follows:
1. Marketing Efforts
2. Business Climate
3. City Infrastructure
4. Planning Items (i.e. partnerships, initiatives)
5. Quality of Life Amenities (i.e. parks, green space, entertainment)
6. Real Estate
7. Workforce
There is no charge to attend the Planning Session.
Registration is appreciated.
A continental breakfast will be served.
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
Thursday, October 20, 2022
8-10 am
Salem Civic Center
Community Room
There is no charge to attend. However, registration is appreciated.
Contact Information
Lynne Kilburn
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