Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries
About Us
The Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries is a gathering of representatives (lay and pastoral) from Salem and western Roanoke County churches and local service agencies that strive to Invite, Involve, Inspire, Educate and Strengthen our communities by putting our faith in action. SAEM serves to strengthen community resources by encouraging collaboration in the areas of food, clothing and educational resources.
In 2021, Mrs. Dorsey`s Clothes Closet served 4,282 guests for a total of 10,106 total family members. This included 1,359 different shoppers, some shopped more than once. We provided 1,172 winter coats.
In addition, SAEM supports at-risk elementary/middle school children in Salem and western Roanoke County that may face food insecurity every day. Last year, almost 1 in 3 school-age children in these school divisions were eligible for free or reduced breakfast and lunch. That’s good news for these children during the school year, but what happens on Saturday and Sunday or during the summer months when many may have very little to eat?
That’s where our ACT Packs for Children and Summer Feed and Read programs make a difference! For the past 12 years, Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries has raised funds to provide nutritious and wholesome breakfast and lunch items.